Recommended Resources

Products We Recommend

Living the homestead life ourselves, our passion is to share our knowledge with you in hopes that it will be of great and valuable help for you as you endeavor to find your Dream Country or Homestead property.

On this page we have provided you with the products that we recommend. Many we have used here on our homestead, some we have not as yet but in our extensive research we’ve found products that we highly recommend.

Our greatest source of knowledge to help teach you how to search, find and purchase your Country or Homestead Property without it becoming a huge headache and costing you unnecessary funds with lots of mistakes being made is our Country Homestead Buyer’s Course. It’s well worth checking out!

From my education and years of experience as an attorney, I’ve created this course as a valuable resource to help educate you in how you can search for and obtain your Country or Homestead Property.

Product Categories

We have recommended items in different categories. Choose which category you would like to see the products that pertain to that category by clicking on it.

How To Buy Land

A proven way to search for and purchase land

lilacs in pitcher, books on table

Our Country Homestead Buyer’s Course is for anyone who has the desire to get away from the noisy and busy city life and get to a quiet peaceful slower pace of life in the country. This is why this course was created. I had the desire to get away to a more peaceful existence and wanted to share my knowledge with others who desire the same thing. As an attorney who lives the country homestead life, I’ve been there and know what to look for when searching for country property.

“Equipped with the right products, you will get better results”

 Pablo Picasso